10 Random Things About Elizabeth

  1. I love to watch figure skating.
  2. I like odd numbers such as 3, 11 and 13.
  3. My favorite colors are pink and purple.
  4. I can listen to all music but I wouldn’t want to listen to country all day.
  5. Popcorn is one of my favorite foods.
  6. I want to retire early.
  7.  Taking naps is a part of my daily routine.
  8. I don’t like to go to the mall unless it’s a must.
  9. I like to read but at my own pace.
  10. I like to do dance battles in parking lots (refer to Step up 2 the streets).

10 Random Things About Sunshine

  1. I can read any book in a day if I have no interruptions
  2. I love to bake but don’t enjoy cooking that much
  3. I like to make people feel uncomfortable
  4. I want to retire at 30 or 35
  5. I spend the bulk of my Sunday’s watching Nickelodeon (I think it keeps me young!)
  6. I want to live in Hawaii (but i’m too lazy to research, pack, and move)
  7. I’m a caffeine addict
  8. I love pointless television (i.e. Jersey Shore, Real World/Road Rules Challenge)
  9. I like to demand to see people’s indian cards when they tell me they are an indian
  10. I own a very crazy dog

5 responses »

  1. Denise Duguay says:

    nice work you guys. enjoy what i’ve read. dd

  2. Brandi says:

    You guys ROCK!!

  3. Hi, nice to meet you !

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